onsdag den 1. december 2010

Ayumi Hamasaki - GAME lyrics translations

The rest is coming as soon as life gives me a break(*゜▽゜)ノ゛☆ ♥ ♥ ♫♫


Look at me; little by little, the warmth you left behind is slowly seeping away (1)
If it completely vanishes, I wonder what meaning a body like this will possess…? (2)

衝動が重なり合って 出口のない迷路にはまる
ふいに襲う現実達が 抜け出せる道を探す
なのに何故 不思議なくらいこの場所を離れられない

Impulses overlap each other; I’m trapped in this maze with no way out
But suddenly reality hunts me down and I’m looking for an escape route (3)
And yet… strangely, I cannot leave this place


About this time tomorrow, I will be able to smile naturally as if nothing happened
Although I’ve always been like that, I cannot control this game as I wish (4)

もし何か口にすれば その瞬間すべてはただ
砂のように 指の隙間すり抜けてしまいそうで
時間だけ 呆れるくらい平然と過ぎるのを待つ

If I say something right now, everything will slip through my fingers like grains of sand
Time passes by cruelly slowly as I wait for it to be over (5)





言って きっと痛みだなんて幻想だって
言って こんな私だなんてらくないよって
言って じゃなきゃ温もりをまた求めちゃうから

(1) I used “seeping away” rather than “melting” or “dissolving” because, in English, it seems unnatural to refer to warmth as something which can melt (only things made of liquid melt). So… “seeping away”…

Also, “だす” means to “take out”. But here it is used as a helping verb for “溶ける” (which is intransitive verb), so “だす” also works as intransitive verb and becomes “to come out”.  Just to make it clear if anyone seemed to find my translation strange (^_^”) /

Oh, and…. I know “ほら” just means “look” but I interpret it a little. I think “look at me” suits the translation better since she’s talking about her own body… - and thus it would make sense to say “look at me, look at it” when she’s using herself as an example^^;

(2)こんな体” in this sentence changes the mood a little. She’s still talking about her own body (where normally you would use この) but the word “こんな” includes  a very negative feeling to “”– like she’s disgracing her own body (naming it worthless)>_<;

(3) I don’t really understand the “”-ending on “現実達”(*--)/ But my sensei said: “I think she takes “現実” as happenings or events in daily life and therefore she uses a plural suffix here. But I don’t think it has to be translated, so I think your translation is quite okay 0^^0”

I added a “but” to the second line because it seems to make most sense that way…. ^.^”

(4) “歩いて” means “to walk” but I couldn’t quite fit it into the translation without explaining too much. It makes sense to say that she’s “always walked like that” – she’s always walked with a smile on her face as if nothing bad had happened in the past. But just writing; “I always walked like that” is… well, it sounds like bad English to me, really. So, I figured I’d just cut to the core and write; “I’ve always been like that” (read: able to smile naturally and forget about the past). Yes^^;

Just note that she originally sings “walk”^^;

(5) The last sentence is originally two sentences; “I wait for time to pass” and “the time passes cruelly slowly” combined into one big sentence because that makes sense in Japanese. In English, however, it’s simply double wording (time, time). It seems weird to connect two sentences like that into one. So, I changed it a little to make it into one sentence. Just note the meaning^o^

The rest is coming as soon as life gives me a break(*゜▽゜)ノ゛☆ ♥ ♥ ♫♫

Suggestions or correction? Please comment^^

Pssst---Interested in hearing the song? It's uploaded here but of course you have to follow all rules and delete it after 24 hours and buy the CDs from the artist and all that yada yada yada(>__<●

All lyrics translations uploaded here are of course owned by me (though the lyrics in themselves are owned by the respectful artists). If you want to use or re-post my translations, please ask permission beforehand. Credit is, of course, always given to me. (*゜▽゜)ノ゛ ♥ ♥

A special thank you to the amazing Yuka san for all her help  ♥ ♥